Ecole des Loisirs
Une histoire, encore!!!
50 ans de création à
L'école des loisirs
Musée des arts décoratifs,
Graphic design and signage.
All of the rating were designed
Munken paper as part of
a partnership with Artic Paper
(cartels book, visuals,
text panels ...).
From 10/2015 to 07/2016.
Curator: Anne Monier
Constance Guisset
Photos © Constance Guisset
See also

Ecole des Loisirs
Une histoire, encore!!!
50 ans de création à
L'école des loisirs
Musée des arts décoratifs,
Graphic design and signage.
All of the rating were designed
Munken paper as part of
a partnership with Artic Paper
(cartels book, visuals,
text panels ...).
From 10/2015 to 07/2016.
Curator: Anne Monier
Constance Guisset
Photos © Constance Guisset